
In this poetic and uplifting story for children, the flags of Mexico and the United States serve as a metaphor for the resilience and beauty of bicultural life. Complex themes, including identity and the challenges of being a family with mixed citizenship/immigration status, are presented in a way that is empowering and child-sensitive. It is the story of every U.S, person of color whose famly roots immigrate from other countries

"We matter and will build our park if we have to do it ourselves!"

A six time book award winner and A Tomas Rivera award winning book.

Bettie and Bonky discover a magical park located in a most peculiar place, under a bridge! They learn to love their new home in Barrio Logan, a neighborhood with a rich history in San Diego, California. Through the eyes of a mystical Señora they travel through a historical journey of a community’s struggle to build a park. They learn the true history of Chicano Park and the importance of finding their voice and taking action.

Coming soon 2022:

Huehue'Tocaitl: Traditional Names/Nombres Tradicionales

In modern Mestizo/Chicano culture, names are often given to children at various significant times in their lives. This book provides native names, primarily Nahuatl and other indigenous languages primarily from Mexico. Each definition includes the name as is used in its historical context.